But the question is how do you not look desperate so you can answer that question how to get women to love you? The biggest thing to not looking desperate is to not smother a girl. I know it’s hard because when you like somebody all you want to do is spend all your time with them. All you do is think about that person all the time. Then, as a result,every time you see them you find yourself talking and flirting with that person. Talking and flirting is fine but for some men they just do it all wrong. Then before you know it you’re just becoming annoying. All you want to do is spend your time with this person and all they want to do is get away from you.
So at this point let me tell you about some of my failed experiences so hopefully you can learn how to get women to love you. When I was a young man in middle school, all I thought about was girls, a lot like the rest of the guys at that age and a lot like the rest of the guys I had no idea how to pick up a girl or even talk to a girl. But that did not stop me from trying. I had the biggest crush on this girl in my homeroom. One day I was hanging out with some friends and they thought it would be funny if they told me she liked me, of course that was not the case but I did not know this.
So, with this new found inside information I thought there was no way I could fail. The next day I went up to her and I was just talking, being myself and that’s when I broke the big question. All of the sudden she started getting nervous and fidgety. She then found the first excuse to get out of there as fast as she could. Me being an optimist I thought she was just nervous because she liked me also. Over the next couple of days every time I seen her she just avoided me in the halls. At this point I went back to my friends in mentioned that I had asked her out. I was hoping that they had some more inside information that I did not know about. That’s when they started laughing their ass off and broke the news to me. Even though they thought it was funny my heart was crushed. Not to mention before I knew it I was the joke of the whole school.Get Women To Love You
Here’s another quick story of an epic fail. Luckily by this point I had moved from my previous school and had made new friends, escaping my old reputation. One day while at the public pool we were clowning around having a good time. That’s when I noticed one of the lifeguards had been looking at us quite a bit. She was right around our age and man, was she hot. I had mentioned something to my friends about how good she looked and they pressured me to go say something to her. Of course, being a guy, I can’t look like a sissy so I swallowed my fear. So, right up to the tower I went and it started off good. Just like before I was just being myself. After a few minutes I decided to drop the question. I said to her casually, would you like to go to the movies sometime and maybe grab a bite the. That’s when the unthinkable happened; she reached down for a piece of paper and actually wrote down her number.
So, now that I have told you about my stories of failure, let me tell you a story of success. I and some of my friends went out to a club one night. Being typical guys we were all making bets about who could pick up a woman. As we are all having a good time drinking and dancing. My friends one by one are going up to women and trying their best to pick them up with no luck. As for me I knew I had a secret weapon. So I hung in the back and watched them get shot down. After all my friends had their chance and didn’t even manage to score a number, I stepped up saying watch how it’s done gentleman. I walked up to two of the hottest girls in the entire place and I employed the best methods I had been taught. I turned on all my charm and confidence. I spent 15 or 20 minutes talking and joking with these girls.
That’s when they mentioned to me that we should go back to their place. Just so I didn’t look too desperate I toyed around with them for a few minutes acting like I didn’t want to go. I’d let them think they talked me into. And the truth was, that’s what I had in mind all along.I gave the nod to my friends and we walked out the door. They took me back to their place and after a few drinks things got crazy. Before I knew it all three of us were naked and having crazy sex and this is just one of my stories. Trust me there are many more where this came from.
I know what you’re saying, I don’t have charm or confidence. But the great thing about this method is you don’t have to have either to get results. All you have to do is employ the techniques taught and you too can have any woman you want. Whether you’re trying to get a girl you’ve never met before or just trying to get women to love you that you already know, this method works anytime and every time. Before you know it you’ll have women coming to you from every direction without even trying. So if you want to know how to get women to love you just check this article out I promise you won’t be disappointed. Get Women To Love You!
Get Women To Love You,Get Women To Love You,Get Women To Love You